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Amcor has been working with AV Flexologic’s for over 15 years. The machines are placed all over the world in their different plants.

“In 2011 I travelled to Cumbria to see the FAMM in action at the SGS plant that serviced Amcor in the region. I was instantly intrigued by the simplicity and incredibly efficient output of the FAMM. I then travelled to Holland and viewed 2 FAMMS in operation at Elopak, again incredible output.”

“We started our capital expenditure in 2012 with the view of installing a FAMM in Moorabbin, Australia early 2013. Within 24 hours of the machine being delivered, we were mounting plates for all 6 printing machines at Moorabbin, and haven’t looked back. It replaced the incumbent 3 manual mounting machines and is currently keeping up with the daily demands of around 120 sleeves per day.”

The machine is nowhere near capacity and we anticipate output levels rising to over 200 sleeves per day, potentially servicing other Amcor sites. It is incredibly safe, efficient and accurate, the three things most critical to our only regret is not having it at our plant earlier.”