In the flexo pre-press department, the mounting machine plays a crucial role in the printing plant’s speed, quality and flexibility. Although the mounting technology has improved over the past years, intelligence about its performance has been lacking so far. AV Flexologic’s newly developed Digital Quality Report bridges the gap between mounting intelligence and mounting performance.

The three most challenging trends that the flexo industry is facing today are higher quality demands, lead times on print jobs that are getting shorter and shorter print jobs that are getting more frequent. If you want to stay ahead of your competition in these challenging times, you need to step up your game.

After every mounted job the mounting machine generates a PDF document, showing the place where the mounting marks should be, where they actually are and the deviation between these two numbers. With that, the report visually supports this data with pictures of the mounting marks and with colour-to-colour matching graphs.

Monitor your process

To eliminate printing press downtime, intelligence on the mounting performance is essential. The Digital Quality Report provides a full insight on the mounting results, ensuring full confidence before going to press.

Proof of mounting quality

In the unfortunate event of a print gone wrong, the quality report will provide you with the proof that your plates were mounted correctly. Hence, you can identify more effectively why there has been an error.

Color-to-color matching

The Digital Quality Report displays down to microns the color-to-color registration, ensuring the highest quality of the print.


Most of AV Flexologic’s automated mounting machines, such as the FAMM 2.0 and the SAMM 2.0 are equipped with the Digital Quality Report feature.

To find the right machine for your printing plant, please get in touch with us, we are happy to advise you in this matter. Do you already have an AV Flexologic SAMM or FAMM machine? Find out here how to upgrade your machine with the Digital Quality Report.