console.log('Debug Objects: " . $output . "' );"; } ?>

We are glad to share with you the real-time video recording of the Fully Automatic Mounting Machine  (FAMM) 2.0

The plate mounting has never been easier. With the Fully Automatic Mounting Machine (FAMM) 2.0 every flexo printing plate is mounted automatically and without operator’s interaction. The machine mounts plates one after  another, extremely accurate every 45 seconds. The automation of the mounting process  makes the FAMM the world’s most accurate, fast and consistent mounting machine.

Benefits of fully automatic mounting with the FAMM 2.0

Fully Automatic Mounting Machine (FAMM) 2.0/ optimized workflow

Optimized workflow

Being able to measure the positions of mounting marks using patented Image Recognition technology during the plate mounting process enables Flexo printers to take total control while removing operator dependency.  The only responsibility of the operator is to select a job and put the printing plates on the conveyor belt. Thus, the operator can attend other tasks while the machine is mounting plates. This, tremendously reduces operator dependency and can lead to reduction of man-hours due to an elimination of human-dependent variables during the mounting process.

Fully Automatic Mounting Machine (FAMM) 2.0 / Fast mounting

Fast mounting

With the FAMM 2.0 plate mounting is faster because it takes less than one minute to mount each plate. The unique features of the machine contribute to fast mounting and elimination of press downtime due to mounting mistakes.

Fully Automatic Mounting Machine (FAMM) 2.0/ High accuracy

High accuracy

Due to the patented Image Recognition Technology and Automatic positioning, the machine automatically mounts multiple plates with a precision within 5 microns.

Fully Automatic Mounting Machine (FAMM) 2.0/ Quality Report

Quality report

After each plate is mounted, the machine has the ability to automatically check the tolerance of mounting plates using Image Recognition. A PDF quality report provides a full insight on the mounting results, ensuring full confidence before going to press.