MOM DD+ Pro: An Operator’s Best Friend

The MOM DD+ Pro is AV Flexologic’s semi-automatic flexo mounting machine. Not only is it extremely effective in manually mounting plates, but it is also partly automatic and thus, increases speed, accuracy and the company’s overall productivity.
What is the difference between the MOM DD+ Pro and the MOM DDS?
As mentioned above, the MOM DD+ Pro is a semi-automatic flexo industry-standard mounting machine. It is available in1300mm (52”), 1700mm (67”) and 2200mm (87”). The MOM DDS on the other hand is a motorized mounting machine. It is a cost-efficient alternative to the MOM DD+ Pro, comprising a width of 1300mm (52”) and 1700mm (67″). Although both machines possess some identical features, such as vertical moving cylinders and tables at fixed heights (eliminating the need to focus cameras), the MOM DD+ Pro possesses more advanced features, such as Windows 10 based mounting software for easy job creation and storage. The MOM DDS on the other hand has a basic PC with the possibility to enter the repeat size of the sleeve and the positions of the mounting marks. In addition to this, the MOM DD+ Pro has a higher level of automation compared to the MOM DDS, thus making it a more time-efficient and operator-independent alternative.
Why invest in the MOM DD+ Pro?
Although partially manual, the most significant steps in mounting flexo plates are automated. This is to ensure speed, convenience, and accuracy, without leaving room for errors. So what exactly does the MOM DD+ Pro have to offer to be considered a valuable investment?

The pre-installed pressure roller eliminates the need for hand-rolling and therefore, prevents air bubbles.

It provides a quality report by automatically checking the mounting marks after the plate is mounted.

It requires less operator interaction compared to fully manual mounting machines.
“Of course I would recommend AV Flexologic because it’s a reliable partner and it’s a very good product. In the future, I see a lot of opportunities. We will still keep mounting on the MOM because we are very happy with it. I don’t think we will shift to another.” – KIVO
Objectives achieved in each stage of MOM DD+ Pro’s workflow
The MOM DD+ Pro consists of various features that make it stand out, therefore giving it a competitor advantage. Below we explain how its key features operate in its workflow.

Objective: The MOM DD+ Pro is installed with HD cameras that automatically move to the exact position of the mounting marks. The purpose of doing so is to eliminate the time consumed in manually adjusting and focusing the cameras. Moreover, automating this step improves accuracy and precision.
Step 1: The mounting process begins with the operator selecting a job from the job menu, thereby making the motorized HD cameras move to the mounting position automatically.

Objective: Precision and accuracy have always been the most important factors in the mounting process. To ensure that these needs are met we have installed the mounting machine with laser pointers. They help indicate where the exact mounting marks are located on the plate.
Step 2: Next, the operator manually positions the plate with the assistance of the laser pointers.

Objective: To ensure that the plate’s position does not change, a vertically moving cylinder is installed. In addition to this, the cameras’ focus do not have to be adjusted again. As for preventing air bubbles, a pressure roller is installed. Unlike hand rolling, a pressure roller guarantees mounting without any air inclusion.
Step 3: Once the plate is positioned, the operator simply pushes a button to move the vertically moving cylinder up and lower the pressure roller. By using the foot pedal the operator is then able to rotate the cylinder, thus mounting the plate onto the sleeve.

Objective: Verification of the mounting quality is essential as it determines the level of reliability. Therefore, using a snapshot once a plate is positioned, for the next plate, is ideal as it quickens the mounting process by providing assurance of the mounting accuracy.
Step 4: To verify the level of accuracy, the operator can check the position of the mounting marks on the screen. Finally, the machine automatically takes a snapshot and generates a quality report.
To get an extended overview of all the key features you can check out the product page here.
A comparison between MOM DD+ Pro and its competitors
The MOM DD+ Pro stands out compared to its competitors. Not only is it more effective, but it also provides more features. The following distinguish the MOM DD+ Pro from its competitors.

“The MOM 1300 DD+ has helped our company a lot. The machine is reliable and is easy to manage. We are satisfied with the machine and interested to hear about any new AV Flexologic developments.” – Microplast
Does the MOM DD+ Pro have more features?
In addition to the aforementioned features the MOM+ Pro has to offer, there are several optional equipments that can be added to the machine to makes it less operator dependent and more effective. These are:
- TIR sleeve measurement system
- Automatic EasyReg detection
- Tape holder
- Cutting knife for tape and plates
- Sleeve tracking system
- Barcode scanner
- Shaft Coupling for cylinders
- Quality check w/ image recognition
- Image Recognition Software
You can learn more about the aforementioned options by clicking here and scrolling down to Options Overview.
“Of course I would recommend AV Flexologic because it’s a reliable partner and it’s a very good product. In the future, I “In 2012 they have installed the AV Flexologic MOM DD1500 and Demounter which help reaching this goal substantially. The MOM DD+ ensures a much improved mounting process that limits the downtime of the workflow. The Demounter contributes to the same goal, by quickly and safely demounting their plates Primopost saves time and ensures high-quality plates in storage.” – Americk Packaging
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