Automatic Mounting Machine SAMM 800: review by Demax

“We built a new Flexo factory at Demax DPI. Of course the Automatic Mounting Machine SAMM is a part of our production process. There are 17 print units on the press and the SAMM is saving a lot of time for work preparation!”
Demax printing started their flexo printing line in 1995. Nowadays, the company owns the most up- to date flexographic printing house in Bulgaria and has become a leading manufacturer of self-adhesive security stickers and self-adhesive labels. Recently, the company built a new Flexo factory and management has decided to equip the factory with the Semi-Automatic Flexo Plate Mounter 800. The company has been using the Semi – Automatic Mounting Machine 800 for 18 month and values the machine for its accuracy and speed. According to Demax Group, the Semi-Automatic Mounter 800 not only provides consistent high quality and fast mounting speed but also has low maintenance costs. Besides, it is very easy to use the machine and pleasure to work with.
The Automatic Mounting Machine SAMM 800 is the world’s fastest and most accurate mounting machine for narrow-web. Due to the patented image recognition technology and automatic positioning, the machine automatically mounts one flexo plate at a time without operator interaction. These unique features of the machine enables the SAMM to be fully independent. Besides,the automation of the mounting process provides constant repeatability, consistent accuracy, and precision down to 5 microns.
For additional information about the Semi-Automatic Mounting Machine for wide web industry, please visit our product page.
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